About Us

In a world awash with information, discerning users seek clarity and alignment with their values. Responding to this need, we are proud to unveil “Only Right Click,” a pioneering website catering exclusively to the conservative community. 100% Woke Free News!

About “Only Right Click”:
“Only Right Click” isn’t just another website. It’s a declaration of intent, promising users a digital space where their conservative viewpoints are prioritized. As its name suggests, the platform ensures that every click aligns with the right side of the spectrum.

Key Features:

  1. Righteous Results: Precision-tailored to cater to the conservative community, ensuring every search is in sync with core values.
  2. Elephant Memory: Built for the right community, our algorithms favor and remember right-leaning preferences.
  3. Founding Fathers Filter: Delivering content through a conservative historical lens, drawing insights from the nation’s earliest visionaries.
  4. Conservapedia Access: Direct integration for a conservative viewpoint on global and historical events.
  5. Secure and Private: In the era of data breaches, “Only Right Click” guarantees top-notch security, respecting users’ right to privacy.

A Word from the Founder:
“We felt the digital space was becoming increasingly polarized. With ‘Only Right Click,’ we aim to offer a platform where conservative voices are heard, understood, and prioritized. This isn’t just about searching; it’s about feeling represented.”

-Owen Rightward