McCarthy Backpedals on Menendez Resignation After George Santos Mentioned

September 28, 2023
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House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) appeared to have a change of heart regarding his demands for New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez (D) to resign, but only after a pointed query about a member of his own party.

Last week, Menendez faced indictment on bribery charges. McCarthy, along with several others, quickly took to the pulpit demanding Menendez’s resignation. He emphasized the gravity of the indictment and was convinced by the seemingly clear evidence against the senator.

However, a significant shift in McCarthy’s stance was observed during an interview with CNN’s Manu Raju. Raju posed a shrewd question, asking McCarthy if George Santos, who is also embroiled in federal criminal charges, should tender his resignation. It’s worth noting the delicate balance in the House, with Republicans at 221 and Democrats at 212. Every vote counts for McCarthy.

Raju’s question highlighted a potential double standard: why should a Democrat be pressured to resign while a Republican can contest their charge? McCarthy, seemingly caught off-guard, then expressed that both Menendez and Santos should be given their day in court. When Raju pressed further, reminding McCarthy of his earlier stance on Menendez, McCarthy wavered, suggesting that Menendez’s decision to resign is entirely up to him.

This interaction can be viewed in the segment linked below.

Despite the growing chorus of Democratic voices suggesting Menendez step down, the senator remains firm in his decision not to resign. Interestingly, no Republican senators have publicly asked Menendez to resign, with some, including Arkansas’ Tom Cotton, even showing their support.

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